Your Vibe Attracts your Tribe (Episode 14)

Have you ever in your life felt like you can do with better friends or a better job? Your not alone. Have you ever wondered that if could be out vibe that is attracting everything to us. If we just change our state and be in a higher vibration we can attract the...

Gratitude turns what you have into Enough (Episode 13)

What do we feel we lack. Do we really need another pair of shoes. Ladies. Get those goes out and feel gratitude for each one. Feel that what u have is enough. Its all relative, some people can’t even afford to by shoes. So what in your life do u feel u lack. Feel that...

How to use 100% of your Brain? (Episode 12)

To use your whole brain. Myth that we use 10% of our brain..(I think the person who came up with that was using 10% of his brain). We think we use 10% of our brain. Well we can use whole brain by thinking holistically, firing off new pathways. Brain gym, crossing...

How to be Genius at Anything (Episode 11)

“when we truly opens our heart, we access something so magical and divine. In this state we have access our genius and anything is possible” Have you ever wondered what went on in the mind of the greatest geniuses in the world like Davinci, Eienstien, Mozart, and...

Where to find your Light (Episode 10)

“Your light is within you, and you can never find it out there” (as in outside your body, or taking it from others). However going out there (meeting people, events, following intuition), helps you find your light within. One of the great paradoxes out...

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